Film Acting Course
Students will learn everything they need to become Film Actors: Acting for Film and Directing Actors for Filmmaking.
Welcome to the Acting for Film Course!
This course is designed to teach you step by step how to use your body, voice, and emotions as instruments of artistic expression. All you need is your imagination and emotions to make your way into the world of acting.
"I have designed this course based on my experience working in front of the camera as an actor and behind the camera as a director and screenwriter. Through these lessons, you will learn not only what an actor must do to portray a character, but also everything a film director expects from you as an actor," says Baudilio Bey Pérez.
In this course, you will learn to differentiate between theatrical and cinematic acting language to understand the true nature of acting in film.
You will learn to be aware of the nature of your own body to use it as an instrument of dramatic expression.
You will learn to find truth as a mechanism that creates emotions in the interpretation. In this process, you will learn the Stanislavski, Adler, and Meisner Techniques to master emotions in any circumstance in front of the camera.
You will learn to adapt to the physical requirements of a character, as well as the discipline and challenges that any film project requires.
You will learn the value of an actor's intellectual ability.
You will learn how a character is constructed. In this lesson, you will learn about the journey of a character through a dramatic arc and also learn the difference between the protagonist, the main character, and the supporting character.
By watching the best examples on screen, you will learn through exercises to master subtle gestures, face the challenges of our body in a scene, as well as interact among actors for romantic scenes.
You will learn how to prepare a video book to enter an acting agency and get auditions. You will also learn how to make an appropriate self-tape for online castings.
You will learn the value of social relationships in an actor's career to make your way into the professional world of film.
Why is this acting for film course important?
This course is important because it will allow you to learn the techniques and skills necessary to become a competent and successful actor in the film industry. Through the lessons taught by experienced actor, director, and screenwriter Baudilio Bey Pérez, you will learn not only how to play a character, but also how to prepare for auditions, how to build a video book, and how to relate to other people within the industry.
Is previous acting experience necessary?
No previous acting experience is necessary to take this course. This course is designed for both beginner and experienced actors alike."